The MATERIAL 1.15. Greek for you A2 includes in the interactive form:
The Textbook A2 per two pages with integrated the audio material and interactive exercises. After each exercise there is the possibility for the student to see the solution, as well as the score of each exercise, so that he can check his exercise. There is also the possibility of deleting and repeating the exercise as well as sending the solved exercise via e-mail to a selected email address.
Vocabulary check: In the interactive form of the material the vocabularies appear once with the Greek column completed and the English blank for completion and alternatively with the English completed and the Greek for completion. The student is required to complete the translation in writing either from Greek to his first language or from his first language to Greek.
After completing the exercise, the vocabulary is displayed with the two columns completed as it is in the book, so that the student can check if his translation is correct. For students with a different L1 than English, the translation of the vocabulary can only be done from Greek to their language.
The check is done using their printed book where the vocabularies are translated into their L1 (first language).
Completion of the audio material: In the student’s book the texts for which there is audio material have the symbol of the audio with the number of the track that corresponds to them. For the digital interactive material, additional recordings were made so that all the texts have audio material. This also helps students who study on their own.
Aids for asynchronous use of the material: 1. Audio material: correct pronunciation of all texts 2. Translation. They are translated: a. the vocabulary and expressions of all the texts b. the rules of grammar c. The orders of the exercises. 3. Key book. The solutions of the exercises appear for check.
With these tools the student can become autonomous in learning the Greek language and consults a teacher only for questions.