Eurydice Street: A Place in Athens by Sofka Zinovieff
Scorched Earth
The week spent on Patmos restored some equilibrium. The austerity beautiful landscape of bare, rocky hills and small, stony beaches was buffeted by the summer winds. The cool, dark Aegean water refreshed us, and our simple routines provided a return to the essentials. During the day, we read and swam and picked warm, plum figs from the trees. In the evenings, we met up with friends and ate at beach tavernas. The night skies were enormous and brilliantly clear; I had forgotten the joy of looking up into the deep darkness, unpolluted by any urban, orange glare. Sometimes, we would sleep outside on the terrace, watching the glittering galaxies as they were streaked by flitting, black bats and burning stars…
Sofka Zinovieff

British author and journalist
Born in London. She is of Russian descent on her father’s side. She has been a journalist and book reviewer for various British publications.