Methods of teaching foreign languages and the use of translation in learning Russian


Title : Methods of teaching foreign languages and the use of translation in learning Russian
Author : Kamilla T. Yusupova

Title (Russian) : Методы обучения иностранному языку и использование перевода в изучении русского языка

Pages : 170
Dimensions : 15X21
Date of edition : 2021
ISBN : 978-618-5544-01-0

SKU: ISBN 978-960-7307-73-6-1

The monograph examines and summarizes the theoretical framework for foreign language acquisition. The main teaching methods in the field of applied linguistics are presented, with particular reference to the teaching of Russian. The study focuses on the use of translation in textbooks in order to highlight its role in university language teaching. It examines, pedagogical translation as a mediation and intercultural vehicle for the development of the fifth skill in the teaching of Russian as a foreign language in Greek higher educational institutions.


Μέθοδοι διδασκαλίας ξένων γλωσσών και η χρήση της μετάφρασης στην εκμάθηση της ρωσικής

Weight 0.760 kg
Dimensions 21 × 1.7 × 28 cm