NEOHEL, a center for research, creation and publication of books related to the learning of Greek as a foreign language, expands its publications, including theoretical books as well textbooks for learning and teaching other languages, starting with Russian.
In this context, in the Russian language environment of our website, we welcome three new e-books by Dr. Kamilla Yusupova, about Russian studies in Greece, two theoretical textbooks and one, addressed to Greek speakers, for learning Russian.
The author

Kamilla T. Yusupova
Kamilla T. Yusupova holds a PhD from the Department of Language, Literature and Civilization of the Black Sea Countries of the School of Classical and Humanities of the Democritus University of Thrace. Since 2013 she has been teaching Russian as a foreign language at the Department of Russian Language and Literature and Slavic Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and since 2016 she has been teaching at the Foreign Language Teaching Centre School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
She holds a degree in Russian Philology from the National University of Tashkent. As a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece she studied and is a graduate of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology (pedagogical direction) of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Ioannina. Then, she completed postgraduate studies, as a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education and Religions of Greece in the field of Linguistics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
She is the author of three books: “Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and the Use of Translation in Learning Russian”, “Pedagogical Translation in Russian Philology. Proposal for a teaching intervention”, “Methods of teaching foreign languages and the use of translation in learning Russian” and has International Publications.
She is a certified tester of Russian language exams by the St. Petersburg State University and the Lomonosov Moscow State University, for all levels of the SERF.
Her research interests include the Conquest / Teaching of Russian as a second language, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in foreign language teaching, Russian Phonetics & Intonation, Comparative Linguistics, Translation Studies, Theoretical Linguistics and Cultural Studies.