Letterheroes 38 songs English


From the series Mikros Asterias

Writer: Evangelia Georgantzi
Pages: 30
Form: pdf

Greek – English

SKU: Dig-LetterHeroes-songs-Eng01

Letterheroes are part of the educational material Mikros Asterias – Modern Greek for children 4-7.

With the 38 songs of the Letterheroes, one song for each Letterhero, the children familiarize themselves with the letters/phonemes, as well as the musicality and the rhythm of the Greek Language through the songs.

Furthermore, as the development of the reading and writing skills are the main targets of this material, the above material is appropriate also for the children whose first language is Greek and go through the process of reading and writing.

Use this material in the classroom or at home.

There is a link to the sound tracks of the material on the Sound Cloud account of NEOHEL.